Book a Reading With Me Today!

To book a healing, or session with me please Venmo KundaliniKendall with your email address and the name of the reading you’re booking in the payment description. Please click the price arrow under the reading you’re selecting for more specific instructions on how to set up your reading. You can email me at if you have any questions before booking with me. Also, YES, I do do customized readings. If you’d like something I’m not offering below please email me with what you’d like and I can give you a price estimate. Thank you!!

Align to Your Dreams Healing Session

  • In this healing session you will come to me with something you’d deeply like to manifest into your life (it can be anything as long as it’s of love). At the start of our session you will give some backstory as to what sorts of obstacles have appeared in your outer reality and have prevented you from having this thing in your life (be it certain relationship patterns, lack of consistent income, etc.). I will then walk you through a few healing journal exercises that will help you bring awareness to what’s blocking you from having your desire. We also do a few exercises helping you tap into the underlying soul desire for what you’re calling in. After you are clear on your intention, I will guide you through a visualization meditation and energy healing that will help you transmute your limiting beliefs into beliefs that align you to your desire and to your highest timeline. Once we’ve finished our healing portion of the call we will have a chance at the end to chat with me sharing any intuitive messages or guidance I’ve received for you.

  • If you’d like to purchase this reading please Venmo $333.33 to KundaliniKendall. Please include your email address in the payment description, your phone number and the title of this reading “Align to You Dreams Healing Session” and I will schedule a call with you within 24 hours. Most likely our session will will be within a week of your payment!

Specific Question Tarot & Psychic Reading

  • In this reading you will email me a specific question that you want guidance on. It can about something you want to call into your life, or even guidance from a loved one who has passed. I will then pull a few tarot cards (as many as I’m intuitively drawn to) and I will tune into my spirit guides and ask them for their highest form of guidance. You can ask me anything you want. Just please be specific as it allows me to give you more in depth and quality answers!

  • If you’d like to purchase this reading please Venmo $66.66 to KundaliniKendall Please include your email address in the payment description and the title of this reading “Specific Question Tarot & Psychic Reading”. Please then email me at with your specific question. I will then send you photos of your tarot cards and a voice recording of your reading within 48 hours of your purchase.

New Years Special Tarot & Psychic Reading

  • In this reading I will pull 13 tarot cards for you (one to represent intuitively what I’m getting for each month of your year in 2023). The 13th card will be representative of the overall energy of your year. Before I do your reading we will schedule a 15 minute call so you can give me some insight about yourself and what you’re hoping to align to/ manifest this year. I do this so I can tune in specifically to the energy around what you’re calling in. After our session I will send you photos of your cards, their descriptions and a voice note that you can listen to like a podcast that will walk you through each month and give you guidance/ what I’m picking up for that month intuitively. I will give you intuitive guidance that brings awareness to any shadow energies that may present themselves for you in your life this year, so you can navigate them with ease and grace and experience your highest timeline possible.

  • If you’d like to purchase this reading please Venmo $111.11 to KundaliniKendall. Please include your email address in the payment description, your phone number and the title of this reading “New Years Special Tarot & Psychic Reading” and I will schedule a call with you within 24 hours. After our phone call I will do your reading and email you photos of your cards and a voice note reading within 48 hours.

Guidance from Your Pet Tarot & Psychic Reading

  • Our beloved pets know us better than anyone. And oftentimes, I believe, they are our angels and spirit guides incarnated into cute, fluffy beings to help us along our human journeys and remind us that we are loved unconditionally as we are. I love reading my doggy tarot deck with the guidance of my pup, Ginger. In this reading Ginger and I will tune into your pet’s energy and ask if they have anything they’d like to tell you about their own needs, as well as what guidance they have for you from an animal’s point of view. And yes, I will read for furry friends who are on the other side, as well as furry friend’s still on this earth. Before I do the reading we will hop on a fifteen minute call so I can get a sense of anything specific you’d like me to tune into around yourself, or your pet. After this I will ask you to email me a photo of your pet so I can tune into their energy. Once you do so, Ginger and I will pull a few cards from my doggy tarot deck and, if I’m guided to do so, I will also pull a few from my human tarot deck. After we finish your reading we will send you photos of your cards, their descriptions and a voice note that you can listen to like a podcast that will let you know what I’m picking up for you intuitively.

  • If you’d like to purchase this reading please Venmo $77.77 to KundaliniKendall. Please include your email address in the payment description, your phone number and the title of this reading “Guidance from Your Pet Tarot & Psychic Reading” and I will schedule a call with you within 24 hours. After our phone call, I will do your reading and email you photos of your cards and a voice recording reading within 48 hours.

New Year Numerology Tarot & Psychic Reading

  • It’s a new year and that certainly means it’s also a new you! After you book this reading you simply need to email me at and let me know your birthday and a few sentences about what you’d like to call into your life this year. I will then calculate your personal year numerology and send you the tarot card associated with this year for you, as well as what I’m picking up energetically and ways to strategically navigate your personal year so you can experience the highest outcome.

  • If you’d like to purchase this reading please Venmo $55.55 to KundaliniKendall. Please include your email address in the payment description and the title of this reading “New Year Personal Numerology Tarot & Psychic Reading”. After you pay please email me at with your birth date and what you’d specifically like guidance on this year.

Connect with a Passed Loved One Psychic Reading

  • In this reading you will come to me wanting to connect with a beloved friend, partner, family member, or even pet who has passed. We will start by doing a short call about the person you’d like me to connect with and what specifically (if anything you’d like me to ask them about). You can also choose to have me do the reading blindly with just a photo of your loved one, so that I can connect to their energy. I will then connect with them in a meditation as well as pull a few tarot cards with messages for you. I will then send you a 20 minute channeled recording of their messages for you as well photos of the cards.

  • If you’d like to purchase this reading please Venmo $88.88 to KundaliniKendall. Please include your email address in the payment description, your phone number and the title of this reading “Connect with a Passed Loved One Psychic Reading” and I will schedule our call within 24 hours!